Dear readers,

I realize that it's been a long time since I've updated you on the status of The Redemption of Erâth, regarding either how the existing books are doing, or how far along I am in writing the third book of the series. For this, I apologize. I've been busy, but this is no excuse. Over at, I recently said that I want to commit to writing and blogging more frequently, and the same goes here. I would like to update the world on the status of The Redemption of Erâth at least once a week, even if it's only to say that there's been no change since the week before.

With that being said, what's going on in the world of Erâth? Well, sales are spectacular: a whopping two in the past ninety days. A glorious $1.75 in my pocket. Whee! My royalty check for 2015 was $14.01. Isn't being a self-published author marvelous?

The good news is, I never started writing for the money. If I had, I probably would have picked a different genre to write in anyway—the world is pretty saturated with fantasy novels at the moment. So I'm still working on book three, Ancients and Death: and it's going pretty well. I have nearly fifteen chapters complete, standing at a massive 114,000 words—10,000 more than the completed version of Consolation. This book will be very long, and although I'm sure I'll be able to edit it down somewhat, I'm glad, because there's a lot of content to cover.

Once chapter fifteen is complete, I'll probably post it for a while on for your reading pleasure. Until then, the prior fourteen chapters are over there as well, so you can catch up on where Brandyé and Elven have ended up (you'll never guess what's happened to Elven!).

I'm planning to have the third book finished by this fall, so I can spend some time cleaning it up, editing it, and sending it off for review. Later on, I'll probably be looking for beta readers, so keep an eye out! With any luck, I'll be able to publish Ancients and Death sometime early in 2017, which will keep a good pace with last year. If I could release a book a year, I'd be stoked!

For now, remember to check out Consolation and Exile over on Amazon—get me some sales, friends!
