Now that NaNoWriMo is over (not that I succeeded even remotely in that endeavor), it's time for me to focus on wrapping up book three of The Redemption of Erâth. I've got twenty-two chapters completed, which means I've only got three chapters left to write. The last couple of chapters have gone surprisingly well, and I'm looking forward to the culminating events of the last few.

However, it's going to take some time. Book three has been the most difficult for me to write yet, having started it over two years ago. It's also the longest book of the series, at (currently) over 160,000 words (on a goal of 150,000). There will be much editing in this book's future, as well as (probably) some extensive rewrites, as I'm not entirely satisfied with the middle few chapters.

So what's the good news? I'm hoping to have these last three chapters done and dusted by the end of the year, at which point I'll be looking for beta-readers to go over the work in its raw, draft form and provide feedback on the plot, consistency and tone. (This will not be an edit request—I have a wonderful editor for those things.)

So let me know in the comments (or email if you have any interest in beta-reading this book; I'd be happy to provide a copy.

Many thanks!


